Google Text-to-Speech required to work. Type anything you like in a Text Field or use the microphone to capture speech. Make a whip movement with your device to make your phone talk. Translate your text easily in 20 languages, and let your phone speak the translation (if your phone supports the language).-> Change Voice Speed and Pitch for fun effects
-> Store your favorite lines/sentences for quick reuse
-> Translate up to 50 characters at once with one click
-> Voice Recognition (if supported), say anything into your phone and let your phone do the typing.
Supported languages (not all languages available on all devices !!! ) :
-> English with US,UK or INDIA accent-> German-> Spanish normal or with US Accent-> French-> Italian-> Portuguese-> Russian-> Japanese-> Korean-> Hindi-> Indonesian-> Dutch-> Arabic / Egypt-> Chinese-> Polish-> Greek-> Thai-> Bulgarian-> Latvian-> Vietnamese